Workshop Official Statistics for SDGs

The role of official statistics is crucial in decision-making. This is because accurate, reliable, and trustworthy statistical data forms the basis for effective policy-making and informed decision-making to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, the Mathematics Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta organized an online guest lecture activity featuring four lecturers from the Statistics Polytechnic STIS, namely (1) Dr. Bony Parulian Josaphat, M.Si., (2) Dr. Drs. Waris Marsisno, M.Stat., (3) Ir. Jeffry Raja H. Sitorus, M.Si., and (4) Budyanra, S.ST, M.Stat.

In this activity, the speakers provided insights into the importance of official statistics, the process of producing official statistics, Data Processing and Other Data Sources from Official Statistics, and Official Statistics in Sustainable Development. Additionally, the speakers explained how surveys are conducted using both Paper-and-Pencil Interviewing (PAPI) and computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) methods, presented some examples of survey instruments, data processing of survey results, and how to collect data from the general public.

This activity was attended by students and lecturers from both the Mathematics Study Program and other programs at FST UIN Jakarta. Enthusiasm from participants was evident from several questions raised, including queries about the process of storing survey results, how to retrieve old data if needed, how to validate respondents’ answers, and the advantages and disadvantages between PAPI and CAPI survey methods. Hopefully, guest lecture activities can be conducted regularly to support lecturers and students in expanding their knowledge and developing research in the future.

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