
The Mathematics Study Program curriculum of the Faculty of Science and Technology is aligned with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework-based Curriculum for the Academic Years 2020 – 2025. The Mathematics Study Program at FST has implemented this KKNI-based curriculum since 2015, referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Permenristek-Dikti) No. 44 of 2015 concerning the National Standards for Higher Education. This regulation emphasizes that Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) encompass three aspects: attitudes or attitude, mastery of knowledge, and skills.

Additionally, the development of this curriculum also adopts the Independent Learning Policy – Independent Campus (MBKM) based on the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation (Permendikbud) Number 3 of 2020 concerning the National Standards for Higher Education. Through the Independent Learning Policy – Independent Campus, students have the opportunity to spend 1 (one) semester or equivalent to 20 (twenty) credits taking courses outside their study program at the same university; and for a maximum of 2 (two) semesters or equivalent to 40 (forty) credits taking courses in the same study program at different universities and/or learning outside universities.

Program Learning Objectives

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Structure

(click on the subject code or name to get more detail)


NoCodeMandatory CourseCredit PointsECTS
1UIN6032201Islamic Studies44,267
3FST6094101Calculus 145,511
4FST6094102Basic Computer Science and Programing33,667
5FST6094103Discrete Mathematics45,511
6UIN6032202Islam and Science33,200
7FST6091101Introduction to Information and Communications Technology22,133
  Total Credit Points2327,489


NoCodeMandatory CourseCredit PointsECTS
1NAS6112201Pancasila and Civic Education33,20
4FST6094104Calculus II45,51
5FST6094105Elementary Linear Algebra45,51
6UIN6033205Practicum Qira’ah and Worship23,84
7FST6094106Elementary Statistics33,67
8FST6094107Practicum Elementary Statistics12,08
  Total Credit Points2330,21


NoCodeMandatory CourseCredit PointsECTS
1FST6094108Multivariable Calculus45,51
2FST6094106Mathematical Statistics45,51
3FST6094110Introduction to Real Analysis45,51
4FST6094111Introduction to Financial Mathematics33,67
5FST6094112Numerical Method44,89
6FST6094113Exploration Data Analysis33,67
  Total Credit Points2228,76


NoCodeMandatory CourseCredit PointsECTS
1FST6094114Introduction to Real Analysis II45,51
2FST6094115Introduction to Stochastic Process33,67
3FST6094116Algorithm and Data Structure44,89
4FST6094117Ordinary Differential Equations33,67
5FST6094118Mathematical Statistics II34,13
6FST6094119Linear Models33,67
  Total Credit Points2329,67


NoCodeMandatory CourseCredit PointsECTS  
1FST6094121Introduction to Abstract Algebra45,51
2FST6094122Complex Function34,13
3FST6094123Partial Differential Equations33,67
  Total Credit Points2126,06
1FST6094301Introduction to Database (Ds)33,43
2FST6094302Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics (Ak)33,43
3FST6094303Non Parametric Statistics33,43
4FST6094304Introduction to Data Mining33,43
5FST6094305Introduction to Risk Theory33,43
6FST6094306Categorical Data Analysis33,43
7FST6094307Introduction to General Insurance33,43
8FST6094308Introduction to Plans pension33,43
9FST6094309Introduction to Sharia Insurance33,43
10FST6094310Selective Capita33,43
11FST6094311Spatial Statistics33,43
12FST6094312Control  Statistics Quality33,43


NoCodeMandatory CourseCredit PointsECTS
1FST6094124Optimization Method33,67
2UIN6000208Research Methodology33,67
3FST6094125Introduction to Graph Theory33,67
4FST6094126Mathematics Modeling33,67
  Total Credit Points2124,97
1FST6091911Natural Language Processing33,43
2FST6094121Linear Algebra33,43
3FST6094310Selective Capita33,43
4FST6094313Multivariate Statistics33,43
5FST6094314Time Series Analysis33,43
7FST6094316Analysis of Social Media33,43
8FST6094317Introduction to Financial Computing33,43
9FST6094318Introduction to Insurance Company Operations33,43
10FST6094319Sampling Techniques and Experimental Design33,43
11FST6094320Introduction to Actuarial Computing33,43
12FST6094322Advanced Actuarial Mathematics33,43
13FST6094326Number Theory33,43
14FST6094327High Performance Computing33,43
15FST6091911Natural Language Processing33,43
16FST6094328Introduction to Statistical Computing33,43


NoCode Credit PointsECTS
1UIN6000207Community Service Program45,13
  Total Credit Points812,47


NoCodeMandatory CourseCredit PointsECTS
1UIN6000312Final Project611,00
  Total Credit Points712,83
  Total Credits (SKS or SCU) for Completion of Bachelor Program 148
  Total Credits (ECTS) for Completion of Bachelor Program 192,44