Mahmudi, M.Si.

NameMahmudi, M.Si.
Academic CareerGraduate degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung 2013
Undergraduate degree: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Employment Assistant Professor
Research and Development Project over the last 5 years Asti Meiza, Fithria Siti H, Mahmudi: Developing a scale of public acceptance in Indonesia towards COVID-19 and vaccination using network analysis
Industry Collaboration over the last 5 years
Patents and Proprietary Rights
Important Publication over the last 5 yearsMahmudi and N. Fitriyati, Calculation and Management of Premium Funds in Sharia Insurance based on Langevin Type Model of Return on Investment, Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 1 Issue 2 Page 128-135 (2019)
DA Putra, N Fitriyati, M Mahmudi, Fit of the 2011 Indonesian Mortality Table to Gompertz’s and Makeham’s Law using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, InPrime: Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 1 Issue 2, Page 68-76 (2019)
N Fitriyati, M Mahmudi, MY Wijaya, M Maysun, Forecasting Indonesian inflation using a hybrid ARIMA-ANFIS, Desimal: Jurnal Matematika Vol. 5 Issue 3, Page 289-304 (2022)
S Inna, D Mariana, M Mahmudi, M Manaqib, Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis of Factors Influencing the Waiting Time for Employment of Mathematics Alumni at FST UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, SIGMA Vol. 8 Issue 2, Page 75-83 (2023)
M Manaqib, Mahmudi, G Prayoga, Mathematical Model Simulation of the Spread of COVID-19 with Vaccination, Implementation of Health Protocols, and Treatment, Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM), Volume 4, Issue 1